GrEAT intends to spread the knowledge related to job and career opportunities offered to high school students by  the “green economy” sector.

The project aims at providing students, teachers and educators with a range of high quality skills in the “green” sector, by means of school education (educational modules and “school-to-work” exchanges), connections with “green” companies, knowledge of the necessary skills to build a career in the sector, awareness of the problems and opportunities of the “green” sector.

The main objectives of the project are:

to promote the exchange of good practices regarding job opportunities offered by the “green” sector and dedicated educational methodologies;

to enhance the skills of students, teachers and school placement workers relevant to job and career opportunities in the “green” sector;

to map the educational and professional chances related to job opportunities in the “green” sector;

to connect students with the labor market in Europe, providing contacts and experiences in innovative companies of the “green economy” sector.

The project will last 24 months (2 October 2017 – 1 October 2019).